Gut Health Storylines App: For Tracking & Organizing Your Healthcare Needs

I have 3 embarrassing confessions to make:

  1. I can eat (and have been known to do so) over a dozen donuts in less than a 24 hour period…

  2. I habitually take the lids off of my beverages (don’t ask me why), which often results in spilling their contents over a variety of surfaces i.e.: the floor, the TV controllers, my lap, ect.  In fact, I have just spent the last 10 minutes frantically cleaning a large portion of the rug where I have unceremoniously dumped my milk laden, sweetened ice coffee. (Shhh!….Don’t tell ‘D’!)

  3. I am terrible at keeping orgainized track of many of my healthcare needs: doctor’s appointments, medications, sticking with a healthy exercise routine, taking medications on time, ect.

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