Build and rally behind community health projects. Join community partners -- churches, hospitals, healthcare systems, educational institutions, employers, patient advocacy groups -- to co-create joint interventions using various healthcare platforms like Health Storylines to plan and implement a community-driven healthcare program. We will give you tools to make it happen.
Personalized Healthcare
Our Health. Own It.
Let’s be accountable for our own care, our health with support from the community where we live and work. Healthcare experts, practitioners, scientists, behavior interventionists, our peers are our allies. More and more evidence reveals that the health outcomes of people and patients who share in the health decision-making process and take an active role in their own care lead to better health outcomes.
Start NOW.
Patients as Experts Podcast
Patients as Experts was conceived and developed by Health Storylines to provide patients a platform to freely share their life experiences within the healthcare system — their struggles, challenges and wins — when it comes to understanding, managing and finding the right support and treatment for their medical conditions.
Learn from Each Other
As we become Advocates, we build expertise in learning, understanding, coping and management of our illness. We become EXPERTS and as such, our peers look to us for guidance, support, direction, counsel and along the way, we make others FEEL BETTER. Simple acts of listening, sharing our stories, providing referrals to other healthcare experts, and providing comfort and confidence to others. As people who have walked a mile in their shoes, we earn their trust, along with nurses, social workers and other healthcare practitioners.