Beat that AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis)!

You do so many incredible things on a daily basis to better yourself and your health, why don’t you share them?
Living with A.S. and other Spondyloarthritis diseases entails challenges that often go unseen to others. Whether it’s getting out of bed, cooking dinner, or going for a walk; we want to hear what you do everyday to overcome A.S.

Simply log on to your AS Health Storylines app’s “Beat that A.S.” tool to capture some of the ordinary routine activities you do on a day-to-day basis that you celebrate because of the challenges of associated with A.S. Whether it’s physical, psychological and emotional, spiritual, or workplace; we want to hear your stories of accomplishment!
Thats not all! Your stories may be featured anonymously through social media as a part of World A.S. Day, and the more accomplishments you share, the bigger the chance you have to win one of three Bose SoundLink Color Bluetooth Speakers!

AS Health Storylines is developed in partnership with the AS patient community and the Canadian Spondylitis Association, and is powered by the Health Storylines™ platform from Self Care Catalysts Inc.

Get the FREE APP now on the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.