Spiritual Self-Care

This is a blog post by Kirsten Schultz on Not Standing Still's Disease.

I was introduced to Self Care Catalysts when I attended ePharma back in March. I really had a great time speaking with the SCC team and am extremely happy to say that I will be participating in their Self Care Mvmt at the end of June in Toronto! 

O, Canada!

There is some great buzz out there already on Twitter using the tag #selfcaremvmt. The movement centers around how important it is to care for ourselves as patients with chronic illnesses and to celebrate the moments where we have been able to care for ourselves.

For the next few weeks, I'll be posting on some self-care topics as a part of the lead up to this awesome event - and my foray into world travel. 

Today's topic is spiritual self-care.

The word 'spiritual' often leads us to conjure up ideas of someone interested in religion, but it means so much more. I personally am not a religious person.

To me, spiritual self-care is something that allows me to recharge my batteries, help me unwind, and where I can simply exist. There are a few things that bring me to that place - most notably, exploring and spending time with loved ones. 

Many of my loved ones aren't physically close and, to be honest, being in nature in Wisconsin is really hit or miss.

I am leaving my job at the end of this week because it will allow me the ability to take better care of myself. This is something I will touch on in the next few weeks in more detail, but it plays a role in my spiritual self-care as well. Without being tied down to my current job, I will have more opportunity to be in the community and outside on the few good days we get here.

It also allows me the ability to travel much more, something I find my heart glows from.

It's the thing I love most of all.

Traveling and exploring can take a physical toll if I am not careful. My multiple chronic illnesses, especially my systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and fibromyalgia, don't do as well with certain types of travel. I really need a lot of time when flying somewhere to unwind after the trip or, sometimes, after a flight.

Traveling, for me, helps me to work more on staying in the moment, being present. I am no longer thinking about my history of abuse or the toll my illnesses may take. The only worries and anxieties I encounter are related to engaging in something fun.

I meditate, though not enough lately. I use an app called Buddhify, which I know I've discussed so much before, but always deserves mentioning. The Health Storylines app, from Self Care Catalysts, has great guided meditation as well as an area for social support.

Part of my goal with the time I am taking off of work will be to set a schedule for myself that includes physical and spiritual self-care methods so you'll have to stay tuned to see how that goes!

I anticipate that this move will increase my quality of life, though.

What are some things that you do that could be considered spiritual self-care? Are there any apps that you utilize to help you do so?