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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has altered each and every one of our lives. 

Research studies are critical to learning about the COVID-19 vaccine’s effects on pregnancy and infants. In the COVE Pregnancy Study, we will be collecting and analyzing information about individuals who are currently pregnant and received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Your participation could make a world of difference to our understanding of how the COVID-19 vaccine affects pregnancy and infants.

About the Study:

We are conducting a longitudinal survey among pregnant women to learn about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. If you join the study, you would be asked to fill out questionnaires approximately seven times – three times during your pregnancy and four times after delivery. We would also contact your health care providers on your behalf. The questionnaires can be done online or by phone - you do not have to visit a study site, and there are no extra treatments, lab tests, or health care visits needed.

Eligible volunteers must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age

  • Be currently pregnant

  • Have received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at any point from 28 days prior to the last menstrual period through pregnancy

  • Not have received any other COVID-19 vaccines at any point from 28 days prior to the last menstrual period through pregnancy

Additional eligibility criteria apply, along with what’s mentioned here. All criteria would be explained to you.

Diseases do not discriminate – and neither should clinical trials. Moderna is committed to researching safe and effective mRNA-based vaccines and therapies to bring better health and living to people of all ages, sexes, and backgrounds.  

This project is being conducted using Health Storylines™, a web, and mobile-based platform.

This study uses the Health Storylines app on your smartphone, mobile device, laptop, personal computer, tablet, or web browser to closely monitor the effects of the Moderna Vaccine. If you meet the inclusion criteria above and would like to participate, please download the Health Storylines™ mobile app using the QR code provided or the links below to sign up for this specific study.

If you do not wish to use the app, you can also call 1(833) 231-4389.

Thank you for your consideration of this important research study.

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