Are you interested to share your experience living with HIV in a confidential and paid research study?
If you are HIV positive and live in Ontario, you are invited to participate in an anonymous online research study to understand the day-to-day experiences of individuals living with HIV, using a mobile app to journal about your experience over 8 weeks. You will also be one of the first to review new and exciting campaigns that are being developed for the HIV community!
This important study may help researchers develop better HIV support solutions and services. You will be compensated $100 for your participation.
To find out more please fill in the form below, or email, or call 1-844-475-4637 (toll-free), Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Time.
We take your privacy seriously. To read more about what we do with your personal health information, please refer to our privacy policy. By answering the questions above and clicking submit, you agree to our privacy policy and consent to being contacted for enrollment in the study.